Posts in Health
Feeling Stressed? Here are Some Ways to Help Manage Life's Daily Challenges

So, what is stress exactly? “Stress refers to any reaction to a physical, mental, social, or emotional stimulus that requires a response or alteration to the way we perform, think, or feel.” (Phyllis A. Balch, 736)

Stress can be caused in all kinds of different ways; however, we do need some stress in our lives in order to function. It only gets problematic when we become overwhelmed with stress and lose control of managing it. Our bodies have a ‘fight or flight’ response, designed to deal with immediate dangers; however, in this busy modern world, our bodies tend to respond in this way a little too often, which can cause exhaustion of our adrenals.

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Uses and Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

You may have heard a bit of buzz lately around apple cider vinegar, and there are many reasons it deserves to be the apple of your eye. Apple cider vinegar offers lots of health benefits and is pretty versatile. I like to include it in my cooking and baking, but it has so many other uses, including as a tonic for its potent health benefits. So what exactly is apple cider vinegar? It is quite simply fermented apple cider. By fermenting the apple cider, beneficial probiotics and enzymes are generated that your body will soak up with love!

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Top Tips to Help with Diabetes

Did you know that Newfoundland and Labrador has the highest reported number of people diagnosed with diabetes in Canada? Since I live in Newfoundland, I knew I was compelled to research more into this troubling disease to see how I could help people manage their symptoms. Below, you will find my top tips for people suffering from diabetes, or having trouble with their blood sugar stability.

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The Original ‘Sunny D’ – Vitamin D!

Winter is over and spring is finally here! Has you lifestyle been a little more sedentary this winter, and lacking exposure to the sun? If so, you may have a vitamin D deficiency. But guess what? There is a way to replenish your vitamin D stores!

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble hormone that has so many functions in the body. It is often referred to the ‘sunshine vitamin’ as your skin is able to produce vitamin D when you are exposed to sun. It can prevent you from developing certain types of diseases and can reduce many kinds of symptoms. Please read on so you can learn about some of the benefits, what can happen if you become deficient and where you can find sources of vitamin D.

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6 Foods to Help with Digestion

Proper digestion is crucial for a healthy life. The digestive system is responsible for food intake, assimilating the nutrients in our food, and eliminating the wastes and substances our bodies don’t need. It’s a pretty amazing process, when you stop to think about it!

That said, modern eating habits and food choices have tampered with this intricate but sensitive system, overloading our guts with food additives, pesticides, and chemicals that can cause big problems for our digestive health.

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